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Management on time and Coaching

Different situations, as the loss of the management, executives or operators e.g., lead to an immediate demand of professionial management support.

Our management achievements on time interconnect professionally with the executive board and provide purposeful structuring measurements. Thus bridging the time gap for restructuring directional management of a hotel, new chances are given for reorientation and restructuring. Herewith existing weak points in the reservation management, sales or personal operational planning e.g., will be eliminated and replaced by efficient structures.

The continuing proceedings of a hotel establishment and real estate must be secured between long-term operator contracts. We secure, also with temporally limited commitments, performance quality, customer contacts, regular invoicing, collection and value of sales; and accompany a smooth transaction of the establishment to a new occupant.

Our management on time represents a variable applicable instrument for the maintenance and optimization of existing structures, for profit increase and longlasting productive value.

COACHING -the hotel bears the decisions

Coaching means to us the combination of individually tailored advice, personal feedback and practice-oriented training. All flow charts within the ranges controlling, personnel, sales and marketing are developed and examined together for optimate possibilities. From the results we provide an appropriate measure and activity plan and support during its conversion.

Exclusive decider remains however the hotel.

Take our expertise for all instrument ranges where you have no consolidated knowledge.

Organise, accompanied and led from our specialists, the processes so efficient that also with a slim personal structure, within no range deficits will result. .

Let accompany you with the structuring all efficient processes for all instrument ranges.

Naty Projects Ltd <>- Cyprus